

Just outside my workplace, across from the Central West End Metro station is a utility building that has stood as long as I have worked at Washington University Medical School. That is getting to be a long time.

I never paid it much attention, despite the fact it is big and looms above the station I use every day. Now, however, it is being demolished and what once was of no interest whatsoever suddenly becomes very much a centre of attention.

It's a strange building, thin and panelled. I have no idea as to its purpose. It could construed in a slightly sinister way, with no windows and a large electical substation right next to it. A secret high voltage lab?

Now it is being stripped of whatever mystery it might contain as the wrapping comes off and the bones are revealed. I frequently stop to spend a minute or two watching the demolition workers doing their, to my mind, quite hazardous jobs.

Soon the entire building will be gone to reveal yet another piece of scarred earth that will probably be built over again in short order. What was will be gone. Funny how something so insignificant seems more important in its destruction.